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Chariddy Donation
Monday, 03 December 2007

We love teddies. But we also love animals. This is why we’re donating part of our proceeds to animal charities such as the RSPCA and WWF (no, that’s not the charity for impoverished spandex-clad, steroid junkies, it’s the one for Pandas and Tigers and other fluffy animals). 

New Products
Friday, 30 November 2007

There are as many potential Roadkill products as there are grains of sand on all the earth. OK, maybe not that much. But who’s to say there won’t be Roadkill sofas, Roadkill kitchen blenders, Roadkill toilet seats, and Roadkill knickers? Some products haven’t made it off the sketch pad yet. But some other products are currently dragging their battered bodies towards the production line.

Related Products
Friday, 30 November 2007

There’s a whole range of anti-toys and anti-plush out there. Toys that upset and provoke. Art and design went head-on and produced this explosion of products. Stuff like Vortigern’s Machine, like the Gloomy Bear, like Uglydolls. It’s called Urban Vinyl or Street Plush. And now there’s a new term to stick in your dictionaries. Squash-plush.

Product Development
Friday, 30 November 2007

Twitch shared his life with many furry chums. And it’s only right that in death he should share with them too. There are loads more roadkill products currently dragging their battered bodies towards the production line. As well as other macabre plush characters, there are weasel door wedges, badger pencil cases, hedgehog mouse mats, vole door mats and squirrel hot water bottles.

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