Roadkill Header

We will try to answer your questions as quickly as is humanly possible, but there might sometimes be a delay. This doesn’t mean that we don’t love you.

Our hours of business vary, but generally we’re open between 5-11pm Greenwich Mean Time. A skeleton staff of one fox and three bats will be taking the nightshift.

Who do I contact about product questions?

Contact Adam Arber either by email This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or use our enquiry form.

Or by post:

Adam Arber
Compost Communications Ltd
PO Box 59266
United Kingdom

Who do I contact about pricing questions?

Same as above.

Who do I contact about security questions?

Same as above.

Who do I contact about returns questions?

Same as above.

Who do I contact about safety questions?

Same as above.

Who do I contact about selling instore?

Yep, same as above.

Who do I contact about shipping questions?

You guessed it. Same as above.

Who do I contact about payment questions?

Do we have to spell it out for you? Same as above.

Who do I contact about website questions?

Look. It’s the same as above. OK?!